I really want to move. I have never hated this state, until now. I guess I don't really hate the state as much as I hate the weather. It is snowing again, floods are still happening and pending.
We had to move all of our stuff from the basement to the main floor. The city has done an absolutely shitty job of keeping the roads clean this winter - absolutely pathetic.
We moved back here for 1 reason - our family. My parents and A's parents all live here. I have a bonus in the fact that I love Western and Southwestern ND - to hike, hunt, driving the gravel roads for literally hundreds of miles or just sitting on the side of a hill taking in the rolling plains on a warm September or October afternoon. I love that.
BUT, it is getting to the point that none of this seems worth staying in this god foresaken land. I constantly ask myself why anyone willingly lives here?
1 more winter like this and I'm seriously going to consider moving - Hello Colorado.
Here is the forecast for the months of November through March for ND.
Today, in this wonderful state we have/had warnings for: Flood, hail, tornado, blizzard, sleet.
Somebody let me know if they see a man riding upon a white horse in the midst of all this... :)
Linton, is currently flooding and most of the town is only accesible by boat. Fox Island is under a voluntary evacuation due to the rapid rising of the Missouri R. Fargo is about to be flooded as well, as expected.
Last I heard we are scheduled for up to a foot of snow over the next 24 hours or so. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is cold enough right now for snow.
Usually by this time of the year I'm done asking myself why I live here.
I remember when I first met Andrea. Odd circumstances, one more confirmation for me of fate. Anyway, I particularily remember the first weeks, months and into the first year. Her working at BBB me working these ridiculous late hours at Lewis trucking with Onree and Christ. I would go see her on every one of her breaks, eating dinner or just holding hands and talking.
If she wasn't working she was at school. I would go and sit and read while she was spending endless hours in the photolab, printing her photos. Just wanting to be where she was as close as possible. I couldn't spend enough time with her. Everything was new and exciting.
That seems so long ago. My memories of that time and most of my time in Fargo seem like a blur or like bits from a movie. I can still feel those feelings of excitement and joy when I think about those times.
Now of course things are different. We have evolved in our relationship. Still love each other very much, but as expected things are different.
Anyway, the reason for all this randomness is that I heard a song just a little bit ago that reminded me of all those things. Andrea had bought a CD a few months after we met that had a song on it that she said made her think of us. It's crazy when I hear this song and haven't heard it for a while. It actually chokes me up a little bit, becuase it reminds me of how much I love/loved her at that time. I have never loved like that and at that time nothing had even come close. I still do love her on that level - just to clarify.
Now of course we have McKenzie and she brings so much love and joy to my life it is impossible to describe. My love for her is on a similar level, but different of course and I feel very lucky.
I always remember that song and a few others when I think of us at that time. All were songs on the radio at that time that she really seemed to like and we would seem to hear a lot.
Finally, here is the song and it is the first time I have ever seen the video.